Wednesday, August 17, 2016


Sorry folks for not updateing my website for quite awhile.  I really had a non painting year  (2015) our little dog, Louie came down with cancer and it seemed to take the need to paint right out of me.  Anyway, I am now back painting almost everyday and going out plein air painting with Linda (my niece) and loving it again!

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Colors of the Fall Art Show, Great Falls

Well, sorry to say we didn't sell much at the Art Show, but neither did anyone else.  Even though they had a great show, lots of excellent art, the show itself was very well presented, had a wonderful VIP night with hor  d'ouvers, open bar and music and a fairly good turn out, there were not many who were interested in buying.  Very disappointing!  However, Linda and I had a really good time, visiting with the other exhibitors and the people who attended the show.  We learned alot, maybe an expensive lesson, but valuable nontheless.  I think we learned some additional insite into what people like, that helps, onward....more work, more painting and hopefully more success coming.  Thanks to all of you who follow and encourage us.

Saturday, September 7, 2013

Art & Craft Show, Great Falls

Hi everyone,
Linda and I are participating in the Colors of the Fall Expo in Great Falls this coming weekend.  Sept 12 thru 15.  We will be showing many paintings for sale.  We are somewhat nervous about this as this is the first time either of us have offered our work for sale in this type venue.  We really don't know what we are doing or what we can expect.
We are hoping and praying we will have some success and certainly should get some feedback in three days of presentation.  Please wish us luck and will post our successes week.  If any of you are in Great Falls this coming weekend, please stop by and give us a shout at the Expo Park.

Monday, April 8, 2013

Home again

Hi friends!
We are home again in Montana.  So, good to see the mountains, etc.  The grasses are turning green, the little baby calfs in the fields with the mommas.  Of course, there is still a little snow on the mountains, but the promise of spring cannot be denied.  So good to be home.  I am anxious to get painting.  Please let me know if you have looked at my website or blog and would just love to get your comments.  So, here is my email address:  As I understand it has been hard to comment on the blogsite.  Will be posting paintings soon I hope.

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Wed. Mar. 20th

Hi all....
I have been painting...really, I have!  I just posted some new still-lifes on my website =
Germaine Trenary Fine Art, should get you there.  Please let me know if you have trouble accessing this website ( I have had some).  Is spring really on the horizon??  We have had a very cold winter here in "sunny" Arizona, locals say coldest they can remember.  It actually snowed here (on the ground snow) three times.  April 3rd we are headed back to Missoula.  I am anxious to get my painting space back.  It has been a struggle here, no room, no light, no space to put anything, painting on the kitchen table, literally. Check out my paintings and let me know, love to hear from you.

Tuesday, February 26, 2013