Monday, August 29, 2011

Germaine Trenary

These are two of the paintings I did at the K. Stats workshop in Kalispell.
One in Bibler Gardens and one at Somers, Mt. on Flathead Lake. I have a couple more, but they need some work. Sure enjoyed my painting in Glacier and Kalispell this year. Calvin Lang is giving a workshop in Whitefish, but guess one can only do so much a summer, best get my ducks in a row for our First Friday Show in October.
Bibler Gardens
9 x 12

A Day at Somers
8 x 10

Germaine Trenary

Finished the Chinese Vase with Berries. 
We had a really good time in Kalispell at the Katheryn Stats workshop.  We painted two days in the Bibler Gardens.  An amazing place, I didn't even know it was there.  It is located east of Kalispell by Foy's Lake, up the mountain.  It is not open to the public except for special events and on a couple days during the year.  If you ever have a chance to visit, do so!  I never saw so many flowers, colors and varities all arranged beautifully.  Linda and I stayed with a hi-school friend who has a place on the lake. bad can it get, painting, swimming and good food.  Thx Carol and Dean.  I will post a couple of paintings I did at this workshop tomorrow.

Monday, August 8, 2011

Germaine Trenary

 This is the new painting I have been working on.  It is almost finished, it was hard to get the pattern on the vase.  I like it.  Funny how I am taken with still-lifes lately.  Linda and I are off today to go to the workshop with Katheryn Stats in Kalispell and Glacier.  Will let you know how it goes when I am back on Saturday.  I think it will be great.

Chinese Vase With Berries

Chinese Vase
20 x20