Saturday, September 15, 2012

First Friday Art Show

Our Art Show at Bernices Bakery was a great success I think. We had a pretty good turn out, lots of good comments on our work and we sold several pieces. I feel very good about it. Now on to work to create some new paintings. If you haven't had a chance to see the show, it is to hang for the month of September. Please drop in to Bernices and take a peek. BTW, we are very thankful to Bernices for once again choosing us as artists of the month and allowing us to show our work there. What a nice event and our paintings look so nice against the brick wall. Thanks to Cristine and the art committee. :)

Bear Grass Patch

Bear Grass Patch
Oil, 9 x 12

Monday, September 3, 2012

First Friday Art Show

I am honored to be chosen again as Artist of the Month for the First Friday Art Walk at Bernices Bakery..190 S. 3rd St. Please join me and my niece, Linda Browning at our artist reception, Friday, Sept. 7th from 6 to 7:30 pm to view our paintings "Landscapes of Montana" plus a few others. If you are unable to make the reception Friday evening, our paintings will hang at Bernices for the month of September, so you can drop by anytime.

Monday, August 6, 2012

Germaine Trenary

This is my newest painting. I entered it in the Oil Painters of America regional show. What do you think?

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Germaine Trenary

This little painting was done just before the paint-out.  Trying to get my brush flying.  Think it turned out ok, I put it in the gallery in Kalispell.
Last Light At Bass Creek
Oil, 9 x 12
Through Gallery

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

The Iris Pond

The Iris Pond
Oil, 11 x 14
Through the Hockaday Museum

North Fork Ridge

North Fork Ridge
Oil, 9 x 12
Through the Hockaday Museum

Germaine Trenary

I have just returned from the Hockaday Plein-Air Paintout for 2012.   We were to paint on the Montana Land Relience Conservation Properties this year.  It was quite an experience.  There were 6 or 7 different properties for us to choose from, but we could not scout them out previous to the paint-out.  So, it took alot of our time to travel and find places to paint.  We were treated to some outstanding landscapes and it was wonderful to meet and visit with many of the other painters.  Like last year, we presented 2 to 3 paintings for the party and sale held at the Hockaday on Saturday evening.  It was a very nice event, with fabulous hors d'oeuvers and wonderful paintings to view, until the torrent hit and drenched everything.  I will post the two paintings I contributed to the paint-out sale.  This is a fund raiser for the Hockaday Museum.

Thursday, May 31, 2012

Germaine Trenary

Good news.  I am pleased to announce I was chosen by the Hockaday Art Museum in Kalispell, Mt. to participate in their plein-air paintout again this year.  This year we will be painting on conservation land and the paintings will be offered for sale at the Hockaday annual sale, June 23rd.

Meet Sam & Sara

Germaine Trenary

Finally, I finished Guardians of the Ditch.  And I finished my childrens' portraits.  I am not terribly happy with them nor terrible unhappy...I don't know, they are not what I had hoped for, but maybe as good as I can do.  Will post them.  Let me know what you think.

Guardians of the Ditch

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Me! Plein-air painting in Arizona

Germaine Trenary

Hi all.  Believe it or not I am still amongst the living.  We are back home in Montana and very happy to be here.  The weather is gorgeous even with a few rainy days, I love it.  I found I was having a real problem with painting in Arizona.  I did not have a good place to paint with decent lighting, so I was discouraged.  Nevertheless, I started on my portrait commission of two children.  What a struggle!  I finally got them almost to where I was happy with them and decided to finish them here in Montana studio, where I could concentrate and see better!  This has been a long dry spell and I am anxious to get the brushes flying again.
Posting a picture of me plein-air painting at the Tubac Golf Course in Arizona, a beautiful spot.  Maybe a painting will come out of that sketch.

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Germaine Trenary

I just received notice that my painting "Salmon Lake" was accepted as a finalist in the Richeson75 Landscape 2012 exhibit.  That makes me very happy, unfortunately I no longer have the painting as it was a commission and I did not realize the painting must be sent in for the competition.  But just to be chosen is an honor and maybe it will get me out of my painting slump.  I have also entered it in the Bold Brush competition.  I have been working on some children portraits, very hard!  Maybe one of the reasons for my funk!

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Germaine Trenary

I have been in a funk, not posting and not painting.  So, I got busy and tried to get my paintbrush going on this little painting.  It is not finished but what do you think?  Last week I took a pleinair painting workshop from Michael Carter Johnson, in Tubac.  There is so much to paint there, one should be inspired, but the Arizona sun made my painting difficult and I was not happy with the results, even though he is a very good teacher.  Hopefully, I will come away with some pearls and be able to put them to work.  I am disappointed tho with my pleinair painting and I think I need to work on studio paintings for awhile.  Kathy Reyes the organizer of the workshop has invited me to come down to Tubac and paint with her and I am thinking I should do that.  Here is a picture of me painting at the Tubac Golf course...what a beautiful spot, I will post my painting of that place also (even though I am not happy with it).  Sorry for the rambling, please stay in touch, I need some encouragement!
Guardians of the Ditch
11 x 14
Not finished