Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Germaine Trenary

I have been in a funk, not posting and not painting.  So, I got busy and tried to get my paintbrush going on this little painting.  It is not finished but what do you think?  Last week I took a pleinair painting workshop from Michael Carter Johnson, in Tubac.  There is so much to paint there, one should be inspired, but the Arizona sun made my painting difficult and I was not happy with the results, even though he is a very good teacher.  Hopefully, I will come away with some pearls and be able to put them to work.  I am disappointed tho with my pleinair painting and I think I need to work on studio paintings for awhile.  Kathy Reyes the organizer of the workshop has invited me to come down to Tubac and paint with her and I am thinking I should do that.  Here is a picture of me painting at the Tubac Golf course...what a beautiful spot, I will post my painting of that place also (even though I am not happy with it).  Sorry for the rambling, please stay in touch, I need some encouragement!
Guardians of the Ditch
11 x 14
Not finished