Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Germaine Trenary

I know, I have been lax about posting.  It is a busy time of year.  We have snobirded down to our little house in Arizona, so I am looking at desert and cactus to paint.  I have been lazy about painting what with Christmas and all, but now I need to get going again, so started a painting today.  I have a couple of commissions I need to start also, but just wanted to get my brush going again and back in the groove. Please email me, you viewers of my blogsite and give me some encouragement to get to painting!  I see some viewers to my blog but I don't know who you are (not many make comments), I know it is difficult to comment, some say they cannot make it work.  My email:  Happy New Year everyone, I wish you all a healthy, productive and prosperous New Year!

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Germaine Trenary

Just finished this painting of Salmon Lake.  A commission for my husbands nephew Darrell and his wife Anna.  This is the biggest painting I have ever done, it was a test for me.  I think it turned out alright.  In spite of being happy with it, I always think I would like to do it over (maybe it could be better next time?). So now you know what I have been busy with and why there hasn't been many postings lately.

Salmon Lake

Salmon Lake
Oil, 24 x 30

Friday, October 28, 2011

Hanging the show at Bernices Bakery

Germaine Trenary

Can't believe it is almost time to take our France paintings show down.  Boy, time goes by quickly these days. It seems the summer just flew by...anyway will post a few pictures of the show at Bernices.  I loved the way the paintings looked against the brick wall.  Thanks again to all who came to our artist reception and I hope some of you had a chance to go look at the paintings during the month.
Today I took my entry for the Hockaday Members Salon Show to Kalispell.  I entered the "Chinese Vase".  They said they had over 100 entries.  Linda and I will go back to see the show on the First Friday.  The gallery in Kalispell (Montana Frameworks) has said they will hang our France paintings that haven't sold.  Thats very good news.
I am working on a commission, a painting of Salmon Lake for Don's nephew Darrell and his wife Anna. Quite an undertaking, but I am please at how its going.  Also, a couple of smaller landscape paintings.  Have to begin to think about winding it up for the year and motor down to Arizona.  Desert scenes anyone?

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Germaine Trenary

The First Friday Show was last night.  Thanks to all who came to our Artists Reception, it was wonderful and lots of fun.  Enjoyed visiting with everyone and hearing all the kind comments about my paintings and Lindas.  We saw many friends we haven't seen for awhile, plus alot of family that were there.  The show looks wonderful, I think, and we had delicious treats made by Bernices Bakery...French style of course, creampuffs and brie with crackers and grapes, plus a little wine.  Great fun!!  I am relieved it is over and hope alot of people will see our paintings as they hang for the month of October.  Bernices people were wonderful and very helpful, thx much to all of them!  Now to concentrate on some new paintings!

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Germaine Trenary

Finally, the last two paintings are ready for our First Friday Art Walk show, "Two Ladies Paint in France".  Linda and I are nervous and excited about the show of our France paintings.  Some are plein air painted in the workshop with Ian Roberts in Provence and some are studio work done this year.  There will be an Artist Reception, Friday, October 7th from 5 to 7:30 pm.  Try to drop by, we would love to visit with you and get your comments on our paintings.  If you can't make it Friday the show will hang through the month of October, if you can get a chance to see our work.  We want to thank Bernices for hosting our show.  The 1st Friday Art Walk is a fun event for Missoula.

La Barroux, Provence, France

La Barroux, Provence, France
Oil, 9 x12

Le Homme de La Barroux

Le Homme de La Barroux
Oil, 9 x 12

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Germaine Trenary

It is 9/11 and all I can think of is how devastating this was for our country.  It has been all downhill from that, the loss of life, our involvement in the wars, the recession, joblessness, people losing their savings, etc.  I am hoping for a turn around and we can get back to being the great country that we are!
I have a couple of new paintings I am working on and Linda and I are getting our paintings ready for our show; we are artists of the month at Bernices Bakery in Missoula in October.
"Two Ladies Paint in France",  artist's reception, Oct 7th, 5 to 7:30 pm.  The show will hang the month of October.

Monday, August 29, 2011

Germaine Trenary

These are two of the paintings I did at the K. Stats workshop in Kalispell.
One in Bibler Gardens and one at Somers, Mt. on Flathead Lake. I have a couple more, but they need some work. Sure enjoyed my painting in Glacier and Kalispell this year. Calvin Lang is giving a workshop in Whitefish, but guess one can only do so much a summer, best get my ducks in a row for our First Friday Show in October.
Bibler Gardens
9 x 12

A Day at Somers
8 x 10

Germaine Trenary

Finished the Chinese Vase with Berries. 
We had a really good time in Kalispell at the Katheryn Stats workshop.  We painted two days in the Bibler Gardens.  An amazing place, I didn't even know it was there.  It is located east of Kalispell by Foy's Lake, up the mountain.  It is not open to the public except for special events and on a couple days during the year.  If you ever have a chance to visit, do so!  I never saw so many flowers, colors and varities all arranged beautifully.  Linda and I stayed with a hi-school friend who has a place on the lake. bad can it get, painting, swimming and good food.  Thx Carol and Dean.  I will post a couple of paintings I did at this workshop tomorrow.

Monday, August 8, 2011

Germaine Trenary

 This is the new painting I have been working on.  It is almost finished, it was hard to get the pattern on the vase.  I like it.  Funny how I am taken with still-lifes lately.  Linda and I are off today to go to the workshop with Katheryn Stats in Kalispell and Glacier.  Will let you know how it goes when I am back on Saturday.  I think it will be great.

Chinese Vase With Berries

Chinese Vase
20 x20

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Germaine Trenary

Well, this blogging can be so frustrating. I cannot get the paypal buttons in the right place.
Today, I finished the North Fork of the Flathead. When I posted it previously, I still had a little work to do, so I have replaced the original picture. I also posted two paintings that I did earlier, I kind of like both of them. What do you think? Am trying to finish up a few things, Linda and I will be heading to Kalispell, August 8th to take a workshop with Katheryn Stats, a very wonderful painter. Look up her website to see some great paintings. I am so excited

Montana Farm

Montana Farm

Oil, 20 x 16

Well Deserved Rest

Well Deserved Rest
Oil, 8 x 10

Friday, July 15, 2011

Germaine Trenary

These are two of my latest paintings.  The Flathead River, mouth of Lake McDonald I tried to paint on the paint-out, but had better luck in the studio.  The Fields of Gold is a cabin by Bearmouth which was one of my first en plein-air paintings, this one is revisited this spring with Linda, when the fields were golden from the wild mustard.  I had a fun time repainting this.

North Fork of the Flathead

North Fork of the Flathead
Oil on canvas panel, 12x16

Fields of Gold

Fields of Gold
Oil Plein-Air, 12x16
Available at the Montana Frameworks Gallery

Germaine Trenary

Hi...I haven't blogged for awhile and the reason is this painting.  I have been trying to finish it for the Oil Painters of America Juried Western Regional Show.  What do you think?  Do you think I will get in with it?  This was done from a photo of the famous Intuit Cafe that Van Gogh painted in Arles, France.  We almost had lunch there (another story).
Please let me know.  Some of you are having trouble commenting, you tell me, just click on comment and start typing...see if that works.
I am going to post a couple of new paintings also.  What do you think of my newest work?

Van Gogh Cafe

Van Gogh Cafe
Oil on canvas 14x12

Monday, June 27, 2011

Germaine Trenary

These are the two paintings I submitted to the Hockaday Glacier Paintout Fund Raiser.  I am not really happy with them, but am not unhappy with my progress in plein-air painting. I had several failures, but took lots of pictures for future paintings.  The park was breath-takingly beautiful.  This was an amazing experience and my painting buddy and chief back-patter (my niece Linda) and I had so much fun painting plein-air in Glacier Park. Stayed at Lake McDonald...the Going to the Sun road was not opened yet because of record snow this year, some painters hiked in to vista areas, we painting mostly in the open areas...cautious because of the bears, you know.  Surprisingly, there were alot of people visiting the park already, bet they were disappointed not to be able to go up the Going to the Sun and see the amazing views.  There were many outstanding paintings from great artists and I was thrilled just to be one of the thirty.  Hopefully, they will invite me back next year and I will be a better painter.

"Glacier View"

"Glacier View"
Oil, 9x12
Available thru Hockaday Art Musuem, Kalispell

"Mount Canon"

"Mount Canon"
Oil, 9x12
Available thru Hockaday Art Museum, Kalispell

Thursday, June 16, 2011

"Mountain Shadows, Glacier

"Mountain Shadows, Glacier Park"
Available at the Montana Frameworks Gallery

Oil, 9x12

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Germaine Trenary

Here are two of my most recent landscape paintings.  I have been painting furiously. I was chosen as one of thirty painters to participate in the Hockaday Museum, Glacier Park Plein-air Paint Out.  So, next Wednesday we will head to Glacier to paint for three days, ending in a Garden Party at the Museum on Saturday, where our paintings will be displayed for sale.  If they don't sell that night, they will hang in the Museum as their show for this month.
I am terrbly nervous, as I will be in the company of some great painters.  So, wish me luck that I can paint well and that the weather cooperates, (and we don't run into any bears), as we have flooding and lots of snow still in Glacier.  The Going-to-the-Sun road is not open yet and may not be until the middle of July, so much snow this year.  Will post late next week to let you know how it went. :)

"Down the Lane I Looked..."

"Down the Lane I Looked..."
Oil, 12 x 9
Canvas on gaterboard
Available at the Montana Frameworks Gallery


Thursday, June 9, 2011

Still-Life Painting Workshop

Here are the first 6 paintings I did in the still-life painting workshop. I had more fun doing these. Do you see any improvement in ability as I go along?
If anyone is interested in an online painting workshop, I recommend you visit my instructors website.  I will post more still-lifes as I get them painted.  I would love you to comment on my paintings, click on comment.
Gerber Daisy
Oil, 12x16
Canvas panel, unframed


Pansies and Vase
Oil, 9x12

Canvas on gatorboard, unframed

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Pear Martini
Oil, 9x12
Canvas on gatorboard, unframed

Watermelon, Plums and Grapes
Oil, 9x12
Canvas on gatorboard, unframed

Fall Pear

Canvas on gatorboard, unframed
Orange and Grapes

Oil, 9x12
Canvas on gatorboard, unframed
Germaine Trenary
This is the village of LaBarroux.  I thought you might like to see where we were for the workshop last year.  On top of a mountain, the medieval castle with the village all around it.  The village is in Provence.  You can see how one would be inspired to paint here.

LaBarroux, France

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Germaine Trenary
As I promised, I have just posted some more paintings from France.  These were done during the class, plein-air.  (That means on location.)  I can't believe it was one year ago that I was there.  We spent 10 days at the workshop, then rented a car and toured Provence for 3 days, and then Paris for 5 days.  I love Paris! the springtime, anytime!!!  This was a dream come true.  (On my bucket list.)
I have been taking the best on-line painting workshop from Daniel Edmondson.  Next I will post some still-lifes from this class.  I urge anyone interested to look into this workshop, great teacher, great information, very helpful.  I have posted a link to his workshop, check it out.
Be sure to look at the older paintings also.

In the Country, Provence

"In the County, Provence"
Oil, plein-air, 12x13

French Village

"French Village"
Oil, plein-air, 11x14

In the Vineyard, France

"In the Vineyard, France"
Oil, Plein-air, 5x7

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Germaine Trenary

Hi...I am a newbie to blogging. Just am starting to get this together. I have posted a couple of paintings from a workshop I took in France last summer. The first one "Provence" was done after returning in studio from a study and photo of this place. The other "French Canal" is a plein air painting done on the spot. The workshop was given by Ian Roberts, a fabulous teacher.  It was a 10 day workshop located in the midieval village of LaBarroux, in Provence. A once in a lifetime experience. I have several more paintings from the workshop to post, so more on this later.